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Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Health and Wellness Elementary  Seniors Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness

    Lesson Three: Shuttle Relay

Teacher Zone:

This is a simple game to construct but one that students can have a lot of fun at.  It was enjoyed by many Aboriginal groups across the Plains.  To play this game you will need to mark off the boundaries of a ‘race’ course either with pylons or tape.  You will also need two sticks to serve as markers.  The purpose of the game is for students to adjust their speed and endurance so that they meet in the middle of the course.

This game can be modified so that there are several courses that increase in difficulty or skill as students advance.

Main Lesson:

Divide the class into two equal teams with each side taking opposite ends of the “race” course.  On the signal the first two players or runners sprint around the course in opposite directions.  You will need to mark off the spot where the two players meet with a stick.  Students are to continue around the course two times.  Mark the second round with another stick.  Students will stop to evaluate how close to the center of the course they met.  They then proceed to the back of the line up to try again.  If students are successful on the first round they may proceed to the next “race” course which should be a little more difficult to navigate.

Note: You may also modify the game so that they students keep running around the course until they meet in the middle, regardless of how many laps around the students need to make.  A winner could then be declared based on which partnership completed the task in the least number of laps.

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Home About Contact Copyright Sitemap Heritage Community Foundation AlbertaSource.ca Teacher Zone Senior Elementary